News Category
BAT Lab Moving Into New Engineering & Science Building
Oct. 30, 2016—After 2 years located on the 5th floor of Olin Hall, the BAT lab will officially move into the new Engineering & Science Building (ESB) this week. Our engineering lab space will be located in ESB 334, and motion analysis lab in ESB 331/339. We are excited for this next chapter of research, and increased...
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Congrats to Eric Honert, whose article on ankle-foot biomechanics was published in PLoS ONE
Oct. 22, 2016—The article, entitled “Inferring Muscle-Tendon Unit Power from Ankle Joint Power during the Push-Off Phase of Human Walking: Insights from a Multiarticular EMG-Driven Model,” was co-authored by Eric Honert & Karl Zelik. Full text can be found HERE. Abstract Introduction. Inverse dynamics joint kinetics are often used to infer contributions from underlying groups of muscle-tendon units (MTUs). However,...
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Faculty Opening in Mechanical Engineering
Oct. 3, 2016— The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Vanderbilt University invites applications for a tenure/tenure-track faculty position to begin in the fall of 2017. Applications will be considered for positions at all ranks commensurate with qualifications. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or closely related discipline. The Department is particularly interested in candidates with...
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Prof. Zelik Receives SEC Faculty Travel Award
Sep. 3, 2016—Prof. Zelik received a Faculty Travel Award from the Southeastern Conference (SEC) to visit researchers at the University of Tennessee, in order to explore collaborative research opportunities at the intersection of human movement biomechanics and wearable assistive technologies. [Vanderbilt Link] [SEC Link]
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Prof. Zelik Presented at Northwestern University Movement & Rehabilitation Sciences Training Day
Aug. 28, 2016—Prof. Zelik presented a research talk entitled “Maximizing Human Performance via Wearable Exoskeletons & Prostheses,” after participating in a week-long clinical workshop at Northwestern University.
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BAT Lab Receives 3-Year NSF Grant, and New Balance Footwear Award
Aug. 24, 2016—The BAT lab has received a 3-year, ~$300K grant from the NSF General & Age-Related Disabilities Engineering program. The research project, entitled “Leveraging Toe Dynamics to Improve Prosthetic Feet and Amputee Mobility,” will involve PhD student Eric Honert, and be carried our in collaboration with Dr. Gerasimos Bastas, Assistant Professor and the Director of Limb Loss...
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Congrats to Erik Lamers on Passing his PhD Prelim Exam!
Aug. 23, 2016—Congrats to Erik Lamers on Passing his PhD Prelim Exam!
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BAT Lab Presents Research at American Society of Biomechanics Conference
Aug. 4, 2016—Current and future BAT lab members are presenting their research this week at the Annual American Society of Biomechanics Conference in Raleigh, NC. Research topics include prostheses, exoskeletons, whole-body biomechanics, ankle and toe joint kinetics and muscle-tendon dynamics: Eric Honert Whole-Body Walking Biomechanics With vs. Without A Toe Joint: Implications for Prosthetic Foot Design Erik...
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BAT Lab Receives Discovery Grant to Explore Wearable Exoskeleton for Reducing Low Back Injury Risk
Jul. 15, 2016—The BAT lab was awarded $100K in seed funding from the Vanderbilt University Discovery Grant program to explore a new wearable technology aimed at reducing low back pain and injury. This research is being carried out in collaboration with Dr. Aaron Yang, Assistant Professor in the Vanderbilt Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department, who specializes in...
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Prof. Zelik presented research at the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology Congress
Jul. 8, 2016—Prof. Zelik presented research from the BAT lab at the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology (ISEK) Congress in Chicago, and also visited with researchers/clinicians at the Northwestern University Prosthetic-Orthotics Center and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago while in town.
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