News Category
Awarded NIH R01 to carry out research combining biomechanics, machine learning, exoskeletons & smart clothing
Feb. 27, 2019—This collaborative research brings together expertise in biomechanics (Zelik), wearable robotics (Goldfarb) and machine learning (Volgyesi). The objective of this research is to address core scientific challenges related to sensing, actuation and control of cyber-physically assistive clothing (CPAC), for the purpose of reducing societal incidence of low back pain, by preventing lumbar (spine) overloading and overuse...
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Shane & Erik Receive Best Presentation Awards at Mid-South Biomechanics Conference
Feb. 23, 2019—Congrats to Shane King & Erik Lamers who were each recognized for their excellent presentation at the Mid-South Biomechanics Conference, along with 4 other student presenters. King, S. T., Eveld, M. E., Martinez, A., Zelik, K. E. and Goldfarb, M. Development of a novel gait perturbation system for the study...
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Congrats to Eric on his new publication on foot/shoe and soft tissue work during human walking
Feb. 12, 2019—Foot and shoe responsible for majority of soft tissue work in early stance of walking Soft tissues in the body perform mechanical work through wobbling and deforming. We estimated the percentage due to foot/shoe deformation in early stance of walking. . Foot/shoe contributed ∼60–70% of the soft tissue work during level and uphill walking. Foot/shoe...
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Congrats to Emily on her new publication on running biomechanics, injury prevention & wearable tech
Feb. 1, 2019—This study was carried out by Emily Matijevich (PhD student in Mechanical Engineering) in collaboration with Dr. Leon Scott (Dept. of Orthopaedics), and Lauren Branscombe and Prof. Karl Zelik (Mechanical Engineering). Links 1-4 below progress from least to most technical, and Link 5 allows you to download free software and explore the data yourself should you...
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CREATE holiday potluck followed by some team-building & applied biomechanics “research”
Dec. 10, 2018—Prof. Goldfarb hosted the annual CREATE holiday potluck. Lots of fun and laughter! And then the Zelik Lab capped off 2018 with a group outing to apply our biomechanics research… to axe throwing! A fun team-building competition held at BATL (Backyard Axe Throwing League): Needless to say, class was still in session and the professor took...
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Feature story and video on one of our student-athlete extraordinaires Sara Tsai
Oct. 25, 2018—Sara Tsai: Runner and engineer
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New study published on effects of toe joint stiffness and shape on walking
Oct. 4, 2018—Congrats Eric!! Enjoyable collaboration with Dr. Bastas from Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
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Great turn out for the first CREATE social event of the Fall
Sep. 21, 2018—
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New publication on ankle and foot biomechanics
Sep. 1, 2018—
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New study published on the use of wearable sensors to monitor lower-limb prosthesis users
Aug. 24, 2018—
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