News Category
Introduction to Biomechanics Series for Black Students
May. 21, 2021—Zelik Lab is excited to announce we will be offering a FREE, virtual two-day biomechanics series for minority middle and high school students! When: Wednesday, July 14th, and Thursday July 15th from 2pm – 4pm CDT Who: All Black students in the 7th grade or higher can sign up by filling out the Google Form...
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Summer opportunity for high school females to learn about biomechanics
Apr. 7, 2021—We are excited to be offering a FREE, virtual, four-part biomechanics series to female high school students! This event occurred in June 2021. It was an amazing week exploring biomechanics, sports performance, and rehabilitation engineering. If you are interested in any of the series content to share with students or help with your own outreach...
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Multiple Staff & Postdoc Openings Expected in Early 2021
Dec. 18, 2020—Research Engineer & Coordinator – POSITION HAS BEEN FILLED This individual will contribute to a variety of multidisciplinary research projects at the intersection of human movement biomechanics and wearable assistive devices (exoskeletons, prostheses, smart clothing, wearables). They will spend part of their time assisting with human subject data collections, data analysis and engineering device development, and...
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Vanderbilt Spotlight on PhD Student Maura Eveld
Dec. 18, 2020—
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Congrats to Dr. Emily Matijevich on Completing her PhD
Dec. 18, 2020—Dr. Emily Matijevich’s dissertation was entitled Evaluation and Design of Non-Invasive, Wearable Musculoskeletal Monitoring Tools for Research, Occupational and Sport Applications and she published a series of exciting studies on wearable sensor and ultrasound imaging technologies to monitor musculoskeletal dynamics. See Publications page for more info.
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New Publication: Combining wearable sensor signals, machine learning and biomechanics to estimate tibial bone force and damage during running
Dec. 1, 2020—Matijevich E. S., Scott, L. R., Volgyesi, P., Derry, K. H., and Zelik, K. E. (2020). Combining wearable sensor signals, machine learning and biomechanics to estimate tibial bone force and damage during running.Human Movement Science, 74, 102690. ARTICLE – PREPRINT – PRESS RELEASE – POPULAR PRESS Highlights • Current wearables do not estimate tissue-level loads on structures inside the body.•...
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CREATE receives Research-to-Standards award from ASTM Exo Technology Center of Excellence
Nov. 30, 2020—Vanderbilt CREATE receives Research-to-Standards award from ASTM Exo Technology Center of Excellence to explore Development of a New Exoskeleton Safety Standard for Assessing User FallRisk due to Stumbling. The work builds upon Vanderbilt’s prior research on stumble recovery and prosthetics.
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Rachel Teater Recognized for Prosthetics Research in VISE Virtual Research Expo
Nov. 18, 2020—Rachel won 2nd place out of 44 video presentations at the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering (VISE) Virtual Symposium. Her 8-minute presentation entitled Functional Deficits in Transtibial Prosthesis Users during Common Daily Movements can be freely VIEWED HERE. And additional CREATE Youtube video content is available here.
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New Publication: Low-Profile Elastic Exosuit Reduces Back Muscle Fatigue
Sep. 30, 2020—Lamers, E. P., Soltys, J. C., Scherpereel, K. L., Yang, A. J. and Zelik, K. E. (2020). Low-Profile Elastic Exosuit Reduces Back Muscle Fatigue. Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 1-16. ARTICLE – PRESS RELEASE – POPULAR PRESS Abstract We investigated the extent to which an un-motorized, low-profile, elastic exosuit reduced the rate of fatigue for six lumbar extensor muscles during leaning....
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Emily gives webinar on using wearables to monitor and prevent injury risks
Sep. 25, 2020—Link to webinar recording, part fo the Xsens Virtual Biomechanics Symposium:
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