Faculty & Postdoc Positions Available
Sep. 22, 2017—Tenured/Tenure-Track Mechanical Engineering Faculty Position at Vanderbilt University: Medical & Rehabilitation Robotics Post-Doc Position Has Been Filled Post-Doc Position at Vanderbilt University: Biomechanics of Wearable Assistive Devices The Zelik Lab for Biomechanics & Assistive Technology at Vanderbilt University is currently accepting applications for a post-doctoral researcher. The post-doc will contribute to multidisciplinary research projects at...
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Smart clothing research featured in USA Today, Men’s Health, Smithsonian, and by host of other international media
Aug. 7, 2017—We developed, and are now continuing to refine and test, a new smart clothing device that can reduce low back stress during lifting and leaning tasks, in an effort to reduce back pain and injury risks. The media has affectionately dubbed our device “smart underwear,” since the key feature that distinguishes our approach from other...
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Congrats to Erik Lamers, and team, on Young Investigator Award at ISB conference in Australia
Aug. 1, 2017—Prof. Zelik and 4 graduate students attended the International Society of Biomechanics conference in Brisbane, Australia last week. Each lab member did an outstanding job engaging in the meeting and representing Vanderbilt through their oral presentations and posters. Of particular note, congratulations to Erik Lamers who won the David Winter Young Investigator Award for Best...
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Awarded NSF grant to study ankle-knee coupling dynamics, lower-limb prosthetics
Jul. 16, 2017—The objectives of this funded research are (a) to characterize the effect of gastrocnemius-like ankle-knee coupling dynamics on human walking, then (b) to test the hypothesis that restoring this coupling for individuals with transtibial (below knee) amputation will improve their gait symmetry and economy while also reducing unhealthy joint loading. This 3-year project will be carried...
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New study on muscle-tendon dynamics published in PLoS ONE
Jul. 3, 2017—Excited to report that our publication entitled “It’s positive to be negative: Achilles tendon work loops during human locomotion” was recently published in PLoS ONE. This research, carried out in collaboration with Prof. Jason Franz from NC State and UNC, explores methodological challenges associated with non-invasive estimates of Achilles tendon dynamics. The findings were both exciting...
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Vanderbilt recognized for outstanding National Biomechanics Day outreach event!
Jun. 21, 2017—Vanderbilt was the recipient of an award intended “to recognize schools and labs who utilized engaging, useful, and both cost and time efficient lab demonstrations” for National Biomechanics Day (NBD). Thanks to all the Vanderbilt students and faculty who participated to make it such a fun day. Special thanks to Emily Matijevich who wrote up a...
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Prof. Zelik receives two early career research awards from American & International Societies of Biomechanics
Jun. 15, 2017—Prof. Zelik has received the Promising Scientist Award from the International Society of Biomechanics, and also the Young Scientist (Post-Doctoral) Award from the American Society of Biomechanics for his early career research. Both awards recognize his work on understanding of human locomotion, and translating this understanding to advances in prosthetic and exoskeleton technologies. More details (link...
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Congrats to Matt on publishing his research on human-exosuit interface dynamics in JNER
Jun. 1, 2017—Congrats to Matthew Yandell, whose research on human-exosuit interface dynamics was recently published in the Journal of NeuroEngineering & Rehabilitation. This research was carried out in collaboration with researchers at Harvard. It highlights how interface dynamics (due to deformation of biological soft tissues and stretching of synthetic materials) complicate how wearable robots assist human movement....
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Prof. Zelik visits University of Tennessee
May. 19, 2017—Prof. Zelik is visiting with Dr. Jeff Reinbolt and others at the University of Tennessee this week. He is presenting a seminar on biomechanics and wearable assistive technology on May 19. This visit was supported by an SEC Faculty Travel Grant.
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Zelik, BAT Lab Highlighted in Vanderbilt EDI Connect Newsletter
Apr. 7, 2017—Prof. Zelik and the BAT Lab are highlighted in a story in the April Issue of EDI Connect, a monthly newsletter created by the Vanderbilt Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion. (see page 3)
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