Congratulations to Zelik Lab graduates, and welcome to new incoming lab members
Jul. 15, 2020—Congrats to all the BS and MS students who graduated this year, including Zelik Lab research assistants: Sara Tsai, Kendall Derry, John Kerr, Justin Cruz, Tristan Gilbert, Jonathan Powles, Olivia Cook and Jacob Rogatinsky. We’ve appreciated and valued your involvement and contributions in the Lab. We’re wishing you all the best! We are also sad to see...
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Congrats to Emily Matijevich for passing her PhD Qualifier Exam
Jul. 9, 2020—Dissertation Proposal Title: Evaluation and Design of Non-Invasive, Wearable Musculoskeletal Monitoring Tools for Research, Occupational and Sport Applications
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Prof. Zelik presents at Science & Entertainment Exchange event (a program of the National Academy of Sciences)
May. 21, 2020—Prof. Zelik participated in the first virtual “Science Speed Dating” (Quick Pitch) event hosted by the Science and Entertainment Exchange (a program of the National Academy of Sciences). Video recording link: “The Science & Entertainment Exchange (The Exchange) is a program of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) that connects entertainment industry professionals with top scientists and engineers to create a...
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New Publication: Effects of toe length, foot arch length and toe joint axis on walking biomechanics
Apr. 2, 2020—Congrats to Dr. Eric Honert on publishing the final chapter of his dissertation! Honert, E. C., Bastas, G. and Zelik, K. E. (2020). Effect of toe length, foot arch length and toe joint axis on walking biomechanics. Human Movement Science. 70, 102594. ARTICLE
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Prof. Zelik presents on exoskeleton myths, musings & misconceptions at the Wearable Robotics Association conference
Mar. 30, 2020—Zelik, K. E. Back-Assist Exos: Myths, Musings, & Misconceptions. Wearable Robotics Association (Virtual) Conference, March 2020. PRESENTATION VIDEO Zelik Lab spin-off company HeroWear also debuted it’s first commercial exosuit product at the same conference: PRODUCT LAUNCH VIDEO
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Maura & Emily present at Mid-South Biomechanics Conference
Mar. 1, 2020—Maura presented her work on stumble recovery biomechanics, and Emily presented on wearable sensors for monitoring musculoskeletal loading in runners. Matijevich, E. S., Scott, L. R., Volgyesi, P., Derry, K. H., and Zelik, K. E. Multi-sensor fusion algorithms offer a promising approach for monitoring tibia bone damage over multiple workouts. Mid-South Biomechanics Conference, February 2020, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. ABSTRACT Eveld,...
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Congrats to Erik Lamers on passing his PhD Qualifier exam!
Mar. 1, 2020—Dissertation Proposal Title: Design, Development and Evaluation of New Quasi-Passive Wearable Assistive Devices: From Ankle Prosthetics to Low Back Exosuits
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New Publication: Characterizing the Comfort Limits of Forces Applied to the Shoulders, Thigh and Shank to Inform Exosuit Design
Feb. 12, 2020—Congrats to Dr. Matthew Yandell on publishing the final chapter of his PhD dissertation! Yandell, M. B., Ziemnicki, D. M., McDonald, K. A. and Zelik, K. E. (2020). Characterizing the Comfort Limits of Forces Applied to the Shoulders, Thigh and Shank to Inform Exosuit Design. PLoS One. 15.2: e0228536. ARTICLE – EXOSKELETONREPORT
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Proud of CREATE undergrads who did a great job presenting their work at Vanderbilt research symposium
Nov. 29, 2019—
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CREATE is recruiting new PhD students to join the team Fall 2020
Nov. 19, 2019—The CREATE faculty are excited to review graduate student applications for Fall 2020, and expect to have multiple PhD student openings. Prof. Zelik is looking for students interested to perform research related to movement biomechanics, human augmentation exosuits for lifting or mobility assistance, wearable sensing technologies to prevent musculoskeletal injuries and/or lower-limb prosthetics. Vanderbilt University has a...
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