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BAT lab research featured in Vanderbilt news article

Jul. 11, 2015—

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Summer Research (aka The Age of Erics) Begins!

Jun. 3, 2015—The BAT lab is excited to welcome two new members this summer (Erik & Eric), and welcome back three savvy research veterans (Matt, Eric & Nikki)! To simplify naming in the lab each member has adopted a variant of Eric… Erica = Nikki Steiner, EE undergrad applying ultrasound imaging to uncover muscle function Eric 2...

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Accepted for Publication: Subjective valuation of cushioning in a human drop landing task as quantified by trade-offs in mechanical work

May. 5, 2015—Our study on human drop landing kinetics was recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomechanics! This work was performed in collaboration with Dr. Nathaniel Skinner and Prof. Art Kuo at the University of Michigan. [Link to Article] Subjective valuation of cushioning in a human drop landing task as quantified by trade-offs in mechanical...

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Congrats to Nikki Steiner on VUSRP Fellowship!

Apr. 16, 2015—Nikki Steiner, our resident ultrasound guru-in-training, was recently awarded a Vanderbilt University Summer Research Program Fellowship. Nikki, a sophomore in Electrical Engineering, has been performing independent research in the BAT lab since January and will now continue her research over the summer. Congratulations to her on this great achievement!! Nikki’s research uses ultrasound imaging to...

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Latest research findings featured in the Journal of Experimental Biology

Mar. 23, 2015—Less technical feature article (Inside JEB): LINK Full research article is located HERE Zelik, K. E., Takahashi, K. Z. and Sawicki G. S. (2015). Six degree-of-freedom analysis of hip, knee, ankle and foot provides updated understanding of biomechanical work during human walking. J Experimental Biology. 218(6): 876-886. doi:10.1242/jeb.115451

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Undergraduate Summer Research Opportunities

Mar. 6, 2015—Two BAT lab research opportunities are available for undergraduates this summer! Details below. Note: Please apply directly via the Vanderbilt Univ. School of Engineering Summer Research Program webpage. Do not contact Prof. Zelik directly to apply. Project 1: Develop Real-Time Biofeedback System for Studying the Biomechanics of Human Locomotion (LINK) Project 2: Design and Fabricate Prosthetic...

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Congrats to Eric Honert, US Tennis Assoc. Colorado Collegiate Player of the Year

Feb. 4, 2015—From the tennis court to the research lab, Eric is pushing the limits. Congrats!            

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Accepted for Publication: Six degree-of-freedom analysis of hip, knee, ankle and foot provides updated understanding of biomechanical work during human walking

Jan. 9, 2015—Very excited to share our new research findings, which were obtained in collaboration with Prof. Greg Sawicki and Dr. Kota Takahashi at North Carolina State University. This research will be published in the Journal of Experimental Biology. Abstract Measuring biomechanical work performed by humans and other animals is critical for understanding muscle-tendon function, joint-specific contributions...

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BAT Lab 1st Semester Progress

Dec. 22, 2014—From an empty lab to an operational gait lab in 3 months. Excited to dig into research and design projects in January! BAT Lab September 2014 BAT Lab December 2014

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Accepted for Publication: Coordination of intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles during walking

Nov. 17, 2014—Excited to share that our research article entitled “Coordination of intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles during walking” has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. This research was performed in collaboration with researchers at the Santa Lucia Foundation in Rome, Italy. Abstract Purpose. The human foot undergoes complex deformations during walking...

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