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BAT Lab Moving Into New Engineering & Science Building

Posted by on Sunday, October 30, 2016 in News.

After 2 years located on the 5th floor of Olin Hall, the BAT lab will officially move into the new Engineering & Science Building (ESB) this week. Our engineering lab space will be located in ESB 334, and motion analysis lab in ESB 331/339. We are excited for this next chapter of research, and increased interactions and collaborations with Prof. Goldfarb’s group, who is moving over as well. Before we go, here are a few photos from Olin Hall, and memories from the last couple years:

pic 1a - Sept 2014

pic 2 - The early days - Oct 2014

Karl Zelik and research lab members. Lab member photos in research setting (research "action" shots, and also a group photo). The lab consists of 6 members, including the PI. Photos will be used on the lab website ( and for publications, including an upcoming Research & Innovation article in which our research will be featured (external publication). Photos by Joe Howell

pic 4a - Up Up And Away - testing our new safety harness 021015
pic 4b - Battleship Champions 2014
pic 6 - crammed into Karl's office in 2015 preparing for conference

Karl Zelik and research lab members. Lab member photos in research setting (research "action" shots, and also a group photo). The lab consists of 6 members, including the PI. Photos will be used on the lab website ( and for publications, including an upcoming Research & Innovation article in which our research will be featured (external publication). Photos by Joe Howell

pic 8a - Eric ASB 2015
pic 8b - Matt ASB 2015
pic 9 - The Escape Game Victory June 2015
pic 10 - prosthetics testing
Karl Zelik and research lab members. Lab member photos in research setting (research "action" shots, and also a group photo). The lab consists of 6 members, including the PI. Photos will be used on the lab website ( and for publications, including an upcoming Research & Innovation article in which our research will be featured (external publication). Photos by Joe Howell
pic 12 - who needs a whiteborad when you have a stick and mud





pic 14 - BAT lab is a buzz with activity

pic 13 - ready to tour new ESB construction site

















pic 15 - installing the Bertec treadmill in new ESB lab

Gait Lab View 1