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Spatial and temporal impacts on a career in science.


Wente SRSusan R . Molecular biology of the cell. 2011 11 ; 22(21). 3923-5


In cell biology, subcellular locale is critical for the action of signaling molecules, for regulation of gene expression, and for proper cell division. In simple terms, everything must be in the right place at the right time. For my research, I have focused on understanding the role the nuclear pore complex (NPC) plays in maintaining this balance. With eukaryotic transcription in the nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm, highly selective import and export events at the NPC connect these spatially separated processes to allow gene expression. In a similar way, spatial and temporal events have repeatedly impacted my scientific career. In different places and times, interactions with mentors, collaborators, colleagues, and trainees have shaped my research and mentoring philosophies: aim high, fuel your passions, collaborate, and take risks to find supportive environments and challenging projects that impact scientific discovery.

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