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A new multi-gram synthetic route to labeling precursors for the D(2/3) PET agent 18F-fallypride.


Kim KKwangho , Miller NR Nicole R , Sulikowski GA Gary A , Lindsley CW Craig W . Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters. 2008 8 15; 18(16). 4467-9


This Letter describes a new multi-gram synthetic protocol for the preparation of the classic tosylate labeling precursor for the D(2/3) PET agent [(18)F]fallypride. In the course of our studies, we also discovered two novel labeling precusors, the previously undescribed mesylate and chloro congeners of fallypride.

This Letter describes a new multi-gram synthetic protocol for the preparation of the classic tosylate labeling precursor for the D(2/3) PET agent [(18)F]fallypride. In the course of our studies, we also discovered two novel labeling precusors, the previously undescribed mesylate and chloro congeners of fallypride.