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Zach R. Austin

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Zach Austin (or Squatting Llama to his friends) was born and raised in the great state of Tennessee and continues to further his education here. After several questionable judgement calls, he excelled in his studies and graduated from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville with a major in Chemistry and a minor in Italian Silent Film (his personal favorite is Cabiria, just a wonderful work by Pastrone). Zach joined the Sulikowski lab in 2015 and endured shameless humiliation regarding the Vol’s football inferiority. Working on the total synthesis of the 256 isofurans (metabolites of arachidonic acid), Zach was granted a degree of vindication when, in September to 2016, the Vol’s ended a decade long streak of suffering. He now holds his head high as he works with enthusiasm towards his qualifying exam.