The STORM Lab welcomes the launch of the Journal of Medical Robotics Research
Mar. 5, 2015—Medical robotics has been progressively revolutionizing treatment for at least the past two decades. The Journal of Medical Robotics Research (JMRR) invites fundamental contributions to all areas of medical robotics including clinical evaluation studies. The journal is primarily aimed towards bringing the scientific and technological developments as well as clinical evaluation studies in the area...
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Work on Local Magnetic Actuation featured by MedGadget, NSF, and Research@Vanderbilt
Mar. 5, 2015—March 2015. The recent work published in the ASME Journal of Medical Devices and the IEEE Transactions on Robotics about local magnetic actuation for laparoscopic instrumentation has been featured by MedGadet, the National Science Foundation, NSF Science Now, and ResearchNews@Vanderbilt.
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Capsule Robot paper accepted for IEEE ICRA 2015
Feb. 1, 2015—January 2015. The paper “Toward Rapid Prototyping of Miniature Capsule Robots” by Addisu Taddese, Marco Beccani, Eka Susilo, Peter Volgyesi, Akos Ledeczi, and Pietro Valdastri has been accepted to IEEE ICRA 2015!
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NSF CAREER Award to study Lifesaving Capsule Robots
Feb. 1, 2015—February 2015. The National Science Foundation awarded Pietro Valdastri with a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) grant. The title of the proposal is “CAREER: Lifesaving Capsule Robots”. The goal of this research is to characterize fundamental principles at the intersection of robotics, magnetism, and control which will enable intelligent capsule robots to amplify the diagnostic...
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Medical Capsule Robots in the 10 cool inventions from Vanderbilt in 2014
Jan. 31, 2015—January 2015. The modular toolkit for capsule robot design has been mentioned as one of the ten cool technologies in the Vanderbilt Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CTTC) at Vanderbilt. Watch all the ten innovations here.
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New NSF I-Corps grant for the STORM Lab
Dec. 29, 2014—December 15, 2014. The STORM Lab has been awarded with a new I-Corps grant by the National Science Foundation. This grant — I-Corps: A modular toolkit for rapid prototyping of capsule robots — will help us investigating the translational potential for the capsule robot design toolkit that we are developing. Further information are provided in...
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The STORM Lab at the 2014 NSF CPS PI Meeting
Nov. 9, 2014—November 6-7, 2014. Our project “CPS: Synergy: Integrated Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Miniature Medical Devices” — supported by NSF within the Cyber-Physical Systems program, was selected for a plenary lecture at the 2014 NSF-CPS Principal Investigator meeting, held in Arlington VA. You can read more about the research here. Picture courtesy of Dr. Majewicz,...
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Best Poster Award at ACM SenSys 2014
Nov. 9, 2014—November 5, 2014. Addisu Taddese received the Best Poster Award at the 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2014) for presenting the work “A Modular Architecture for Miniature Capsule Robots Based on TinyOS” by Addisu Taddese, Marco Becanni, Ekawahyu Susilo, Péter Völgyesi, Ákos Lédeczi and Pietro Valdastri. This work was supported by...
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Christian starts his period abroad at the University of Melbourne
Oct. 7, 2014—October 2014. STORM Lab’s graduate student Christian Di Natali started a period of research work on Local Magnetic Actuation at the University of Melbourne under the supervision of Dr. Denny Oetomo.
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The STORM is awarded a $1.5M NIH R01 Grant
Sep. 23, 2014—September 2014. The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering at the NIH awarded the proposal “A magnetic capsule endoscope for colonoscopy in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease” with a 4-year Bioengineering Research Partnerships R01 grant. We will now work to develop a robotic platform for magnetic soft-tethered colonoscopy that can be transitioned to human...
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