Internship Opportunity at Waters
Feb. 21, 2024—There is a Field Service Engineer Internship opening exclusively for VU students. Sophomores, juniors and seniors are able to apply. To read more and apply for the position visit this link or scan the QR code.
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5th Annual Vanderbilt Alzheimer’s Disease Research Day
Feb. 15, 2024—This campus-wide academic event will showcase Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia research from multiple clinical and basic science departments across campus, including Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Vanderbilt University, and Meharry Medical College. This year’s theme will focus on big data in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. This day-long event will also feature invited faculty lectures,...
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About 1,000 Mercy Iowa City workers become University of Iowa Health Care employees under ownership transition this week
Jan. 31, 2024—Community member and RASR Lab Project Manager Jennifer Montgomery becomes emotional Wednesday as she talks with one of the Sisters of Mercy about what Mercy Hospital has meant to her. A ceremony at Zion Lutheran Church in Iowa City honored the legacy of Mercy Hospital, which operated for 150 years and will now transition to...
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