Hello world!
Sep. 23, 2020—Welcome to Labs Vanderbilt University Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
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Second Viking Site in Canada!
Oct. 19, 2015—For the past 50 years—since the discovery of a thousand-year-oldViking way station in Newfoundland—archaeologists and amateur historians have combed North America’s east coast searching for traces of Viking visitors. It has been a long, fruitless quest, littered with bizarre claims and embarrassing failures. But at a conference in Canada earlier this month, archaeologist Patricia Sutherland...
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Magellan’s Monsters
Sep. 17, 2014—Article by Matt Simon, reblogged from Wired Magazine: When Magellan reached the New World, he reported seeing giant peoples, an account that was disputed quickly explorer Francis Drake. These sorts of accounts were common in earlier periods, from Pliny through the Middle Ages– what made these early explorers see what they hoped to see? Read about...
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Viking Navigation
Jun. 15, 2014—Read here about the way that archeologists think that Vikings navigated without a compass on cloudy days. Used up through the 16th century! ‘Sunstone’ Crystal From British Shipwreck May Be Vikings’ Legendary Navigation Aid
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Santa Maria found!
May. 13, 2014— According BBC reporters, Columbus’ Santa Maria has been found!
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Pre-Viking travel
Aug. 23, 2013—Vikings didn’t find Faroes first (they were 500 years late) By Josephine Lethbridge, The Conversation The Faroe Islands could have been inhabited 500 years earlier than was previously thought, according to a startling archaeological discovery. The islands had been thought to be originally colonised by the Vikings in the 9th century AD. However, dating of...
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Old Maps and New Maps
Mar. 14, 2013—My post, copied from an thought-provoking HASTAC forum. Reading the entire forum is definitely worthwhile. *************** I’m intrigued by two of the points, which seem to intersect: 1) The question of trying to visualize two different views of the same space at the same time and the narrative equivalent of that, and 2) How should...
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Digital Pedagogies
Apr. 5, 2012—We had a fantastic guest lecturer– Derek Bruff, from our own Center for Teaching. Quickly, some photos of what we did.
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Digital Growing Pains
Apr. 4, 2012—In our Digital Humanities class we are working on our final class projects in earnest. I decided to work with a partner on a project mapping text from The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. While I anticipated a learning curve for the new program we will be using, I didn’t realize the growing pains (albeit...
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