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We have collaboration!

Posted by on Sunday, January 15, 2012 in Research Tools.

I recently posted about our class on HASTAC, and we already have some interested collaborators working on similar projects that could be of benefit to us. Steven Berg is a history professor at a community college. His challenge is to interest his students in projects similar to ours although they may have a somewhat limited knowledge of academic research. His blog explores some of the ways that we, as educators, can help engage undergraduates in meaningful research projects.

AnaMaria Seglie is a fellow graduate student who has been working on the Our America’s Archive Partnership. OAAP is, her words, “is a multi-institutional digital humanities project partnered by Rice University’s Americas Archive, University of Maryland’s Early Americas Digital Archive, and the library at Instituto Mora.” AnaMaria has also posted about OAAP along with an interesting discussion about how to work with a digital archive here.

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