Andrea Page-McCaw, PhD
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Andrea is the Director of Graduate Studies and Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, a Member of the Program in Cancer Biology, a Member of the Program in Developmental Biology, and a Member of the Center for Matrix Biology.
After receiving her AB Magna Cum Laude in History of Science from Harvard University, her science career began in the laboratory of Tim Bestor at Harvard Medical School. She earned her PhD from MIT, as a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow working in the lab of Terry Orr-Weaver on meiosis and egg activation. For her postdoctoral training, she was a Jane Coffin Childs Fellow in the laboratory of Gerry Rubin, at UC Berkeley, where she identified

the Drosophila matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). She began her independent career at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and moved her lab to Vanderbilt’s Cell and Developmental Biology Department in 2010. She was named a Vanderbilt Inaugural Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow in 2015 and a Fellow of the AAAS in 2018. She has served as the Southeast regional representative to the Drosophila Board, and currently she is a member of the Editorial Board of Matrix Biology and a Councilor of the American Society of Matrix Biology.
Outside of lab, Andrea enjoys running with her running group The PerSisters, as well as cooking, theatre, and spending time with her family and friends.