Congratulations to Aubrie for passing her Qualifying Exam!
Jul. 23, 2021—Congrats to Aubrie for passing her qualifying exam!
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A new paper in Developmental Cell!
Jul. 22, 2021—James O’Connor et al has published a new paper in Developmental Cell. The highlights of this paper include: Wounds induce a rapid increase in cytosolic calcium in cells around the wound The GPCR Mthl10 and its cytokine ligands Gbp1 and Gbp2 are required for this process Wound-induced proteases initiate the process by activating the cytokine...
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A new paper in PLOS Genetics!
May. 28, 2021—We (and others) previously observed that the secreted Wingless ligand spreads extracellularly in the fly ovary, ~50 µm away from the cells that secrete it, and when we compromised the Wg gradient by altering Dlp levels, egg formation was disrupted. However, it has also been proposed that Wg does not spread, but rather signals in...
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Neil heads to Washington University!
May. 21, 2021—Neil Narayanan, our former high school student, is graduating from USN and will be attending Washington University on a full scholarship! Neil joined our lab in May 2019 as a rising junior and helped generate multiple Crispr mutant fly lines. He is a contributing author on an upcoming paper “A protease-initiated model of wound detection” that...
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The Page-McCaw lab joins Twitter!
Nov. 21, 2020—The Page-McCaw lab is now on Twitter! Check us out and give us a follow @PageMcCawLab
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Jun. 30, 2020— We stand in solidarity with Black students and colleagues and Black Lives Matter.
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Indrayani’s paper is accepted to Developmental Biology!
May. 13, 2020—Post-doc Indrayani had her manuscript “Dally-like protein sequesters multiple Wnt ligands in the Drosophila germarium” accepted to Developmental Biology. In this paper she looks at the role of Dally-like protein and its role in modulating different Wnts in the germarium of Drosophila. Previous studies have shown Dlp to promote long-range Wg signaling, but little was...
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Aubrie Stricker joins the lab!
Apr. 15, 2020—IGP student Aubrie Stricker is joining the Page-McCaw Lab! Aubrie came to Vanderbilt from the University of Kansas, where she majored in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. As an undergrad, she worked in the laboratory of Dr. Erik Lundquist. Welcome to the lab Aubrie!
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