4 new papers available on bioRxiv
Jan. 4, 2024—Four new papers are now available on bioRxiv. Aubrie Stricker, M. Shane Hutson, Andrea Page-McCaw, Piezo initiates transient production of collagen IV to repair damaged basement membranes K. Elkie Peebles, Kimberly S. LaFever, Patrick S. Page-McCaw, Selene Colon, Dan Wang, Aubrie M. Stricker, Nicholas Ferrell, Gautam Bhave, Andrea Page-McCaw, Analysis of Drosophila and mouse mutants reveals that Peroxidasin is required for tissue mechanics and full viability James S. White, Jasmine J. Su, Elizabeth M. Ruark, Junmin Hua, M. Shane Hutson, Andrea Page-McCaw, Wound-Induced Syncytia Outpace Mononucleate Neighbors during Drosophila Wound...
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Ivy awarded Outstanding Research in Biological Sciences!
May. 12, 2023—Congratulations to our recent graduate, Ivy Han for winning the award for Outstanding Research in Biological Sciences! Ivy is graduating today summa cum laude and we are so proud of her!
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Seeding Success Grant Awarded!
Apr. 21, 2023—Congratulations to Andrea and Shane who were awarded the Seeding Success Grant on “The role of cellular tension in wound healing”.
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Indrayani Waghmare to become newest faculty member at UMass Lowell
Apr. 21, 2023—Indrayani Waghmare has accepted a tenure track position as assistant professor at UMass Lowell! Congratulations and best wishes to Indrayani, we will miss you! Visit her lab website here.
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James O’Connor awarded the Larry Sandler Memorial Award
Apr. 21, 2023—James O’Connor, Ph.D. has been awarded the prestigious Larry Sandler Memorial Award for 2023. This is an international award presented to the best Ph.D thesis of the preceding year at the annual Drosophila Research Conference. James accepted the award and gave a lecture on his thesis, “A protease-initiated model of wound detection” in front of...
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Aubrie is awarded a NIGMS F31 fellowship to study basement membrane repair dynamics in Drosophila
Jan. 31, 2023—
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Indrayani selected to represent Vanderbilt University School of Medicine representative as part of SEC Emerging Scholars Program
Jan. 31, 2023—From MyVU news: “Four Vanderbilt graduate students and one postdoc recently participated in the SEC Networking and Career Fair hosted by the University of Missouri, part of the SEC Emerging Scholars Program for doctoral and postdoctoral scholars announced earlier this year. The program is intended to serve as a pathway and source of mentorship for historically underrepresented...
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A new paper in JoVE
May. 16, 2022—James White et al published a new paper in JoVE! This paper demonstrates a reproducible protocol for dissecting and fixing the Drosophila melanogaster pupal notum for antibody and cell staining on new or previously live-imaged samples.
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Junmin Hua joins the lab!
May. 15, 2022—
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2021 Awards
Sep. 13, 2021—Congratulations to the members of the Page-McCaw Lab who have been recognized this year! 2021 Program in Developmental Biology Retreat James O’Connor: Best Poster (graduate student) James White: Best Talk (graduate student) Elkie Peebles: Best Poster (research assistant) Indrayani: Best Poster (post-doc) 2021 American Society for Matrix Biology Meeting Aubrie Stricker: Travel Award and Flash...
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