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Blythe Hospelhorn

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Graduate Student, Human Genetics

As an undergraduate student, I majored in with a B.Sc. in Biological Sciences from the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY. Before joining the IGP program, I worked for two years full time as a postbaccalaureate fellow for the Undiagnosed Diseases Program (UDP) at the National Institutes of Health. I am currently a graduate student in the Human Genetics (HGEN) program. My research as an ​NIH Big Biomedical Data Science (BIDS) Training Grant Fellow focuses on the quantitative understanding of transcription regulation in eukaryotic cells. I enjoy coding frivolous programs, audio engineering, and voice acting in my free time.


  • supported by the Big Biomedical Data Science NIH Training Grant (2020-2021)
  • supported by the supported by the Integrated Training in Engineering and Diabetes NIH Training Grant (2021-2023)
