Blythe Hospelhorn
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Graduate Student, Human Genetics
As an undergraduate student, I majored in with a B.Sc. in Biological Sciences from the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY. Before joining the IGP program, I worked for two years full time as a postbaccalaureate fellow for the Undiagnosed Diseases Program (UDP) at the National Institutes of Health. I am currently a graduate student in the Human Genetics (HGEN) program. My research as an NIH Big Biomedical Data Science (BIDS) Training Grant Fellow focuses on the quantitative understanding of transcription regulation in eukaryotic cells. I enjoy coding frivolous programs, audio engineering, and voice acting in my free time.
- supported by the Big Biomedical Data Science NIH Training Grant (2020-2021)
- supported by the supported by the Integrated Training in Engineering and Diabetes NIH Training Grant (2021-2023)