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Gregor Neuert

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Associate Professor, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor, Pharmacology

I have a diverse interdisciplinary background, having obtained an M.Eng. in Technical Physics from Technical University Ilmenau, Montana State University, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory with a focus on surface science and solid-state physics. After graduation, I shifted my research focus to biophysics and earned a Ph.D. in Physics under the guidance of Dr. Hermann Gaub at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany. As a DFG Postdoctoral Fellow in the departments of physics and biology at MIT, I studied the underlying mechanisms of signal transduction and gene regulation with Dr. Alexander van Oudenaarden. I started my independent lab at Vanderbilt University with the support of an NIH Directors New Innovator Award and was later appointed as a Vanderbilt School of Medicine Basic Sciences Dean’s Faculty Fellow in 2021. My primary scientific interest lies in utilizing quantitative methods to unravel the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction and gene regulation. When not working, I enjoy engaging in various hobbies such as cooking, baking, hiking, camping, and appreciating the arts.


CV (2024-09)