‘Lab News’
Marija featured in VUMC Reporter
Mar. 6, 2016—http://news.vanderbilt.edu/2015/03/zanics-journey-to-the-lab-followed-winding-path/
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Welcome Amanda Erwin, Michael Greer and Meagan Postema!
Mar. 2, 2016—The Zanic Lab welcomes QCB student Michael Greer and IGP students Amanda Erwin and Meagan Postema for the 4th rotation!
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Lab Milestone!
Jan. 6, 2015—Big day in the Zanic Lab: only six days into the New Year, we are now growing AND imaging microtubules! Thumbs up to Chloe and Cumberland!
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Welcome Chloe Snider!
Jan. 5, 2015—We're excited to have first year IGP student Chloe Snider rotating in the lab! Welcome Chloe!
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Welcome Anika Rahman!
Nov. 4, 2014—The Zanic Lab welcomes undergraduate Chemical Engineering and Mathematics major Anika Rahman!
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