AI-Based Music Tutor
Jun. 12, 2024—The very first concepts that a person learns when they pick up a new instrument are the names of pitches, how those pitches are annotated musically, and how to manipulate their instrument to reliably produce a pitch corresponding to each note. To date, this type of note- and pitch-based knowledge represents the extent of mainstream...
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iTELL: intelligent Texts for Enhanced Life-long Learning
Jun. 12, 2024—The iTELL (intelligent Texts for Enhanced Life-long Learning) framework ingests static texts on any content do-main using a custom content preparation system that guides content editors through the process of formatting the text and reviewing AI-augmented content prior to publication. Text content in iTELL is augmented with keyphrase generation (used for writing feedback) and short...
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Redforest Reading Tool
Apr. 18, 2024—Redforest is a system that has grown out of research exploring the differences and similarities between digital and paper reading. It provides data (including eye-gaze data from various eye-gaze tools) on in-the-moment reading behaviors, shedding light on the reading process as it relates to the reading product. The Redforest system allows teachers to get data...
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