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Gautam Biswas

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Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor, Engineering
Professor, Computer Science
Professor, Computer Engineering
Professor, Engineering Management
Open-ended STEM+CS learning environments, Collaborative learning, Multimodal data collection and analysis, Learning analytics

Gautam Biswas is a Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering, and Professor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering in the CS Department. He also is a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems. He has an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai, India, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Michigan State University in E. Lansing, MI. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE Computer Society, the Prognostics and Health Management society, and the Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education.

Prof. Biswas is involved in developing intelligent open-ended learning environments focused on learning and instruction in STEM domains. He has developed innovative learning analytics and data mining techniques for studying students’ learning behaviors and linking them to their metacognitive and self-regulated learning strategies. More recently, he has been analyzing multi-modal data from augmented reality training environments to study individual and team performance. His research has been supported by funding from the Army, Navy, NASA, NSF, DARPA, and the US Department of Education. In particular, he is a co-PI on a NSF AI Institute on Education called ENGAGE AI. He has published extensively, and currently has over 700 refereed publications.