AIDA: An Artificially Intelligent Dialogic Reading Aid
Jun. 12, 2024—Literacy has long been recognized as fundamental to academic success, as well as broader economic and health-related outcomes for both individuals and society. Whether due to developmental disability or socioeconomic impediments, as many as 40% of children enter Kindergarten a full year behind in fundamental language and literacy skills (Fielding et al, 2019). Once behind,...
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Math Misconceptions Data Science Competition
Jun. 12, 2024—We are developing annotation schemes to detect potential misconceptions that underlie students’ errors in their math responses and annotating large datasets of students’ math responses. A data science challenge will then invite teams to develop algorithms that automatically detect misconceptions in the responses. These algorithms could then be used in digital learning platforms. Collaborate with...
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iTELL: intelligent Texts for Enhanced Life-long Learning
Jun. 12, 2024—The iTELL (intelligent Texts for Enhanced Life-long Learning) framework ingests static texts on any content do-main using a custom content preparation system that guides content editors through the process of formatting the text and reviewing AI-augmented content prior to publication. Text content in iTELL is augmented with keyphrase generation (used for writing feedback) and short...
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Immersive VR Cave
Jun. 12, 2024—The project is designed to create an immersive environment for testing sensory development in children from birth until young adulthood. The environment will be a cave that will allow high resolution video projection via four 4k projectors, spatial audio via an ambisonics array of 25 speakers, and tactile and haptic stimulus delivery via a series...
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Leveraging GenAI in CS Education
Jun. 11, 2024—In the age of GenAI and with code generation tools, CS pedagogy is facing new challenges and opportunities. This series of projects aims to investigate the impact of GenAI on students’ learning performance in CS education and develop new pedagogical approaches with GenAI to enhance CS education. Core Publications Huang, Y., Zheng, X., Wang, H.,...
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EyeTrans: Understanding and Leveraging Human Cognition to Empower AI models for Programming
Jun. 11, 2024—This project uses multi-modalities including eye tracking and medical imaging to model human cognitive processes in programming activities, and then leverage human cognition to develop automated models and tools to assist automated programming tasks. This series of projects aims to investigate the fundamental cognitive processes in programming and empower the modeling and design of more...
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Critical Computing
Jun. 11, 2024—Although elementary school-aged children use and have interest in technologies with integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, they rarely critically investigate the sociopolitical contexts in which people consume and produce AI technology. Without engaging in this form of critical computing, elementary school students will not be prepared to participate ethically in a digitally reliant society and...
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Participatory Quantitative Ethnography
Jun. 11, 2024—Participatory quantitative ethnography has emerged as QE scholars have recognized the need to support equitable researcher-participant relations in the co-construction of knowledge. Calls for imagining and designing possibilities for such collaboration agree on the potential of already existing tools, such as Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA), within QE. Traditionally, ENA has been used by researchers as...
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GROOVA: An Interactive Graphing Tool for Elementary School Students
Jun. 11, 2024—Computational data literacies have become increasingly important for students of all ages. For elementary school children, these literacies include data storytelling with visualizations. However, a limited number of data visualization tools exist that are developmentally appropriate for children in grades 2 – 5. GROOVA is a data storytelling and visualization tool developed by researchers and...
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Jun. 7, 2024—TRANSLATE (Teaching Reading And New Strategic Language Approaches To Emergent bilinguals) is an instructional approach that provides teachers with the means to access all of the language of their students learning English. In TRANSLATE, students are taught to identify key excerpts from language arts texts and to use selected cognitive, linguistic and social strategies to...
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