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LIVE’s Inaugural Ignite Tech Development Grant Winners Announced

Dec. 10, 2024—LIVE is thrilled to announce the inaugural winners of LIVE’s Ignite Tech Development Grant. Awardees receive dedicated development time from LIVE’s Research Engineer or Computer Science Post-Doc to help them turn their new learning technology ideas into reality. The 3 winners were selected based on the novelty, impact, feasibility, and sustainability of their proposed tools....

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LIVE welcomes Dr. Xi Kang to talk about the future of AI in the Workplace

Oct. 9, 2024—Last week we were honored to welcome Dr. Xi Kang, Assistant Professor of Strategy at the Owen Graduate School of Management for her talk “AI Adoption in the Workplace and the Future of Work”.  There is no doubt that AI is top of mind for leaders across all industries. We are all asking the same...

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Investigating the Impact of Metacognitive Supports in MATHia

Aug. 29, 2024—Drawing from our past research in middle school classrooms (Zepeda et al., 2015; Zepeda et al., 2019), this project aims to investigate the impact of supporting middle school students’ metacognitive skills during mathematics learning within the UpGrade/MATHia platform on middle school students’ metacognitive skills, mathematics knowledge, and motivation. In particular, we focus on supporting three...

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Advancing Quantum Education by Adaptively Addressing Misconceptions in Virtual Reality

Aug. 29, 2024—Quantum information science (QIS), which uses the laws of quantum physics to process and store information, is expected to broadly impact society through new developments in commerce, governance, privacy, employment, education, and other areas. Unfortunately, QIS is a challenging, interdisciplinary field to learn. The goal of this project is to advance QIS education by using...

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Bringing Robotics, Cybersecurity and Computer Science to the Middle School classroom (ROCCEM)

Aug. 14, 2024—The project develops, tests, and iteratively refines a modular middle school curriculum that introduces computer science and cybersecurity simultaneously using primarily hands-on, project-based, engaging material. The curriculum uses NetsBlox, a block-based programming environment and RoboScape Online, a fully programmable and collaborative virtual robotics environment. Core Publications Stein, G., Jean, D., Brady, C., & Lédeczi,...

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RoboScape Online

Aug. 13, 2024—RoboScape Online is a simulation environment for RoboScape, an educational robotics platform for NetsBlox. RoboScape originally only used physical robots, which found great success in teaching distributed computing and cybersecurity. However, these robots were not accessible to all classrooms or all students, placing extra costs onto educators and limiting the scale and reach of the...

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LIVE Researchers Win NSF Grant to Study Technological Support for Simulation Training in Nursing

Aug. 12, 2024—A team of Vanderbilt researchers has been awarded a new NSF grant to create technological supports for simulation learning in Nursing. The interdisciplinary team is led by PI Daniel Levin (Psychological Sciences), and includes co-PI’s Gautam Biswas and Meiyi Ma (Computer Science), Mary-Ann Jesse (Nursing), and Alyssa Wise (Teaching and Learning). The focus of the...

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CHALK Coaching

Aug. 2, 2024—CHALK is an easy to use classroom observation and professional development platform for early learning and kindergarten classrooms. CHALK empowers instructional coaches and administrators to collect meaningful classroom observation data, immediately visualize the results, share those results with teachers, develop collaborative action plans, and track changes over time. With CHALK, an embedded training process provides...

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DREME Math Observer

Aug. 2, 2024—The DREME Math Observer is an innovative tool designed to support instructional leaders, principals, and early math teachers in improving math teaching practices. Traditionally, classroom observations have been limited to evaluations, offering little constructive feedback for educators. To address this, the COHERE project collaborated with various stakeholders to create an app that provides structured, content-specific...

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3 Interdisciplinary Teams Awarded 2024 LIVE Spark Grants for Learning Tech Innovations

Jul. 22, 2024—LIVE is thrilled to announce the recipients of our inaugural Sparks Grants. LIVE Spark Grants foster interdisciplinary research on novel learning technologies with strong potential for impact in formal, informal, or workplace learning contexts. Out of a pool of remarkable proposals, three projects were selected for their innovative approaches to leverage advanced computational methods to...

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