BeatBlox is the latest extension to the NetsBlox block-based programming environment developed at Vanderbilt University. NetsBlox was built on top of the open-source codebase of Snap! from UC Berkeley and was specifically designed to teach cutting edge computing concepts such as distributed computing, the Internet of Things, and cybersecurity to novices. It opens the internet to student projects, making computing more relevant and more engaging.
With the creation of BeatBlox, NetsBlox aims to become even more engaging and motivating to students by combining computing with another domain that is already widely loved by people from all backgrounds, music. The overarching goal of BeatBlox is to reach students who have traditionally felt excluded from or unrepresented in computer science. BeatBlox allows students to create high quality music using a rich set of simulated digital instruments, add special effects such as reverb, panning or layering, incorporate public domain tunes into their creations, import sheet music, and even save their compositions for playback on any device. Its built-in networking capabilities make it possible for students to collaborate and create a digital orchestra where each computer plays a single instrument yet remains synchronized. Students can even add visualizations to their music, or conversely, add sound effects or musical scores to their games or digital animations.
BeatBlox PI
BeatBlox Personnel
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Funding Sources