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The Lee Lab at Vanderbilt Publications


An Z , Fan QW , Wang L , Yoda H , Barata M , Jimenez-Morales D , Phillips J , Swaney D , Stevenson E , Lee E , Krogan N , Weiss W , EGFR and EGFRvIII coopt host defense pathways, promoting progression in glioblastoma Neuro-Oncology. 2024 Sep 9;
Yang J , Lewis S , Zi J , Andl T , Lee E , Andl D , Liu Q , Beauchamp D , Means L , Interaction of the tumor suppressor SMAD4 and WNT signaling in progression to oral squamous cell carcinoma Journal of Pathology. 2024 Jun 26;
Diaz D , Bergdorf K , Loberg A , Phifer J , Xu J , Sheng Q , Chen S-C , Bryant M , Tigue L , Hartmann H , Rohde L , Netterville L , Baregamian , Goettel A , Ye F , Lee E , Weiss L , Wnt/β-catenin signaling is a therapeutic target in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma Endocrine. 2024 May 28;


Spencer* Z , Ng* V , Benchabane H , Siddiqui G , Duwadi D , Maines B , Bryant J , Schwarzkopf A , Yuan K , Kassel S , Mishra A , Pimentel A , Lebensohn A , Rohatgi R , Gerber S , Robbins D , Lee** E , Ahmed** Y , The USP46 deubiquitylase complex increases Wingless/Wnt signaling strength by stabilizing Arrow/LRP6 Nature Communications. 2023 Oct 5; 14 (6174).
Ng* V , Spencer* Z , Neitzel L , Nayak A , Loberg M , Shen C , Kassel S , Kroh H , Ah Z , Anthony C , Bryant J , Lawson A , Goldsmith L , Benchabane H , Hensen A , Li J , D'Souza S , Lebensohn A , Rohatgi R , Weiss W , Weiss V , Williams C , Hong C , Robbins D , Ahmed** Y , Lee** E , The USP46 complex deubiquitylates LRP6 to promote Wnt/β-catenin signaling Nature Communications. 2023 Oct 5; 14 (6173).
Xu G , Loberg M , Gallant J-N , Sheng Q , Chen S-C , Lehmann B , Shaddy S , Tigue M , Phifer C , Wang L , Saab-Chalhoub M , Dehan L , Wei Q , Chen R , Li B , Kim C , Ferguson D , Netterville J , Rohde S , Solorzano C , Bischoff L , Baregamian N , Shaver A , Mehrad M , Ely K , Byrne D , Stricker T , Murphy B , Choe J , Kagohara L , Jaffee E , Huang E , Ye F , Lee E , Weiss V , Molecular signature incorporating the immune microenvironment enhances thyroid cancer outcome prediction Cell Genomics. 2023 Oct 11; (3).
Pilat J , Brown R , Chen Z , Berle N , Othon A , Washington M , Anand S , Kurokawa S , Ng V , Thompson J , Jacobse J , Goettel J , Lee E , Choksi Y , Lau K , Short S , Williams C , SELENOP modifies sporadic colorectal carcinogenesis and WNT signaling activity through LRP5/6 interactions Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2023 May 11;
Kassel* S , Hanson* J , Benchabane H , Saito-Diaz K , Cabel R , Goldsmith L , Taha M , Kanuganti A , Ng H , Xu G , Ye F , Picker J , Port F , Boutros M , Weiss L , Robbins J , Thorne A , Ahmed** Y , Lee** E , USP47 deubiquitylates Groucho/TLE to promote Wnt-β-catenin signaling Science Signaling . 2023 Feb 7; 16 (771).
Cantoria MJ , Alizadeh E , Varghese R , Bunnag N , Pond K , Kettenbach A , Ahmed Y , Tyson J , Doubrovinski* K , Lee* E , Thorne* C , Feedback in the β-catenin destruction complex imparts bistability and cellular memory Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 2023 Jan 4; 120 (2).


Tigue M , Loberg M , Goettel J , Weiss W , Lee E , Weiss V , Wnt signaling in the phenotype and function of tumor-associated macrophages Cancer Research. 2022 Oct 10;
Shen C , Nayak A , Neitzel R , Yang F , Li B , Williams H , Hong C , Ahmed Y , Lee E , Robbins J , The Casein kinase 1α agonist pyrvinium attenuates Wnt-mediated CK1α degradation via interaction with the E3 ubiquitin ligase component Cereblon Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2022 ;
Bergdorf K , Bauer A , Westover D , Phifer C , Tyson R , Lee E , Weiss L , Utilizing Three-Dimensional Culture Methods to Improve High-Throughput Drug Screening in Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Cancers. 2022 ;


Borza M , Bolas G , Bock Fabian , Zhang X , Akabogu C , Zhang M-Z , de Caestecker M , Yang M , Yang H-C , Lee E , Gewin L , Fogo B , McDonald W-H , Zent R , Pozzi A , DDR1 contributes to kidney inflammation and fibrosis by promoting the phosphorylation of BCR and STAT3 JCI Insight. 2021 Dec 23;
Shen C , Nayak A , Neitzel LR , Adams AA , Silver-Isenstadt M , Sawyer LM , Benchabane H , Wang H , Bunnag N , Li B , Wynn DT , Garcia-Contreras M , Williams CH , Dakshanamurthy S , Hong CC , Ayad NG , Capobianco AJ , Ahmed Y , Lee E , Robbins DJ , The E3 ubiquitin ligase component, Cereblon, is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of Wnt signaling. Nature Communications. 2021 ; 1 (12).
Phifer CJ , Bergdorf KN , Bechard ME , Vilgelm A , Baregamian N , McDonald OG , Lee E , Weiss V , Obtaining patient-derived cancer organoid cultures via fine-needle aspiration STAR Protocols. 2021 ; 2 (1).


Bergdorf K , Bharti V , Bauer J , Vilgelm A , Lee E , Weiss V , High-throughput drug screening of fine-needle aspiration-derived cancer organoids STAR Protocols. 2020 ; 1 (3).
Shen C , Nayak A , Melendez RA , Wynn DT , Johnson J , Lee E , Ahmed Y , Robbins DJ , Casein Kinase 1α as a Regulator of Wnt-Driven Cancer International Journal of Molecular Sciences . 2020 Aug 18; 21 (16).
Vilgelm AE , Bergdorf K , Wolf M , Bharti V , Shattuck-Brandt R , Blevins A , Jones C , Phifer C , Lee MA , Lowe C , Rachel H , Boyd K , James N , Rohde S , Idrees K , Bauer JA , Westover D , Reinfeld B , Baregamian N , Richmond A , Rathmell K , Lee E , McDonald OG , Weiss VL , Fine-Needle Aspiration-Based Patient-Derived Cancer Organoids iScience. 2020 Aug 21; 8 (23).
Anthony C , Robbins J , Ahmed Yashi , Lee Ethan , Nuclear Regulation of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling: It’s a Complex Situation Genes. 2020 Aug 4; 8 (11).
Nlandu-Khodo S , Osaki Y , Scarfe L , Yang H , Phillips-Mignemi M , Tonello J , Saito-Diaz K , Neelisetty S , Ivanova A , Huffstater T , McMahon R , Taketo MM , deCaestecker M , Kasinath B , Harris RC , Lee E , Gewin LS , Tubular β-catenin and FoxO3 interactions protect in chronic kidney disease. JCI Insight. 2020 May 21; 10 (5).
Sucre JMS , Vickers KC , Benjamin JT , Plosa EJ , Jetter CS , Cutrone A , Ransom M , Anderson Z , Sheng Q , Fensterheim BA , Ambalavanan N , Millis B , Lee E , Zijlstra A , Königshoff M , Blackwell TS , Guttentag SH , Hyperoxia Injury in the Developing Lung is Mediated by Mesenchymal Expression of Wnt5A. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2020 ;
Lee MA , Bergdorf KN , Phifer CJ , Jones CY , Byon SY , Sawyer LM , Weiss VL , Novel three-dimensional cultures provide insights into thyroid cancer behavior. Endocrine Related Cancer. 2020 ; 27 (2). 111-121


Shen C , Li B , Astudillo L , Deutscher MP , Cobb MH , Capobianco AJ , Lee E , Robbins DJ , The CK1α Activator Pyrvinium Enhances the Catalytic Efficiency (kcat/km) of CK1α. Biochemistry. 2019 ; 58 (51). 5102-6
Cabel CR , Alizadeh E , Robbins DJ , Ahmed* Y , Lee* E , Thorne* CA , Single-Cell Analyses Confirm the Critical Role of LRP6 for Wnt signaling in APC-Deficient Cells. Developmental Cell. 2019 ; 49 827-8
Xie S , Fu W , Hu X , Lai KS , Peng X , Zhou Y , Zhu X , Christov P , Sawyer L , Ni TT , Sulikowski GA , Yang Z , Lee E , Zeng C , Wang WE , Zhong TP , Discovering small molecules as Wnt inhibitors that promote heart regeneration and injury repair. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 2019 ; 12 (1). 42-54
Neitzel LR , Spencer ZT , Nayak A , Cselenyi CS , Benchabane H , Youngblood CQ , Zouaoui A , Ng V , Stephens L , Hann T , Patton JG , Robbins D , Ahmed Y , Lee E , Developmental regulation of Wnt signaling by Nagk and the UDP-GlcNAc salvage pathway. Mechanism of Development. 2019 ; 156 20-31


Neitzel LR , Broadus MR , Sawyer L , Wallace HA , Merkle JA , Jodoin JN , Sitaram P , Crispi EE , Rork W , Lee LA , Pan D , Gould KL , Page-McCaw A , Lee E , Characterization of a cdc14 null allele in Drosophila melanogaster. Biology Open. 2018 ; 7 (7).
Saito-Diaz K , Benchabane H , Tiwari A , Tian A , Li B , Thompson JJ , Hyde AS , Sawyer LM , Jodoin JN , Santos E , Lee LA , Coffey RJ , Beauchamp RD , Williams CS , Kenworthy AK , Robbins DJ , Ahmed* Y , Lee* E , APC Inhibits Ligand-Independent Wnt Signaling by the Clathrin Endocytic Pathway. Developmental Cell. 2018 Mar 12; 44 (5). 566-581.e8
Ng* VH , Hang* BI , Sawyer LM , Neitzel LR , Crispi EE , Rose KL , Popay TM , Zhong A , Lee LA , Tansey WP , Huppert S , Lee E , Phosphorylation of XIAP at threonine 180 controls its activity in Wnt signaling. Journal of Cell Science. 2018 Apr 20;
Broadus MR , Lee E , Chemical Screening Using Cell-Free Egg Extract. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2018 Feb 23;


Lu Yuanyuan , Zhao Xiaodi , Liu Qi , Li Cunxi , Graves-Deal Ramona , Cao Zheng , Singh Bhuminder , Franklin Jeffrey , Wang Jing , Hu Huaying , Wei Tainying , Yang Mingli , Yeatman Timothy , Lee Ethan , Saito-Diaz Kenyi , Hinger Scott , Patton James , Chung Christine , Emmrich Stephan , Klusmann Jan-Henning , Fan Daiming , Coffey Robert , IncRNA MIR100HG-derivd miR-100 and miR-125b mediate cetuximab resistance via Wnt/beta-catnenin signaling Nature Medicine. 2017 Nov ; 11 (23). 1331-1341
Polosukhina D , Love H , Moses H , Lee E , Zent R , Clark P , Pharmacologic Inhibition of ß-catenin With Pyrvinium Inhibits Murine and Human Models of Wilms Tumo… Oncology Research. 2017 Jul 10;
Rodriguez-Blanco J , Pednekar L , Penas C , Li B , Martin V , Long J , Lee E , Weiss WA , Rodriguez C , Mehrdad N , Nguyen DM , Ayad NG , Rai P , Capobianco AJ , Robbins DJ , Inhibition of WNT signaling attenuates self-renewal of SHH-subgroup medulloblastoma. Oncogene. 2017 Jul 17;
Li B , Orton D , Neitzel LR , Astudillo L , Shen C , Long J , Chen X , Kirkbride KC , Doundoulakis T , Guerra ML , Zaias J , Fei DL , Rodriguez-Blanco J , Thorne C , Wang Z , Jin K , Nguyen DM , Sands LR , Marchetti F , Abreu MT , Cobb MH , Capobianco AJ , Lee E , Robbins DJ , Differential abundance of CK1α provides selectivity for pharmacological CK1α activators to target … Science Signaling. 2017 Jun 27; 10 (485).
Nlandu-Khodo S , Neelisetty S , Phillips M , Manolopoulou M , Bhave G , May L , Clark PE , Yang H , Fogo AB , Harris RC , Taketo MM , Lee E , Gewin LS , Blocking TGF-β and β-Catenin Epithelial Crosstalk Exacerbates CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. 2017 Jul 12;


Wang Z , Tacchelly-Benites O , Yang E , Thorne CA , Nojima H , Lee E , Ahmed Y , Wnt/Wingless Pathway Activation Is Promoted by a Critical Threshold of Axin Maintained by the Tumor … Genetics. 2016 May ; 203 (1). 269-81
Yang E , Tacchelly-Benites O , Wang Z , Randall MP , Tian A , Benchabane H , Freemantle S , Pikielny C , Tolwinski NS , Lee E , Ahmed Y , Wnt pathway activation by ADP-ribosylation. Nature Communications. 2016 May 3; 7 11430
Hyde AS , Hang BI , Lee E , Reconstitution of the Cytoplasmic Regulation of the Wnt Signaling Pathway Using Xenopus Egg Extracts… Methods in Molecular Biology . 2016 ; 1481 101-9
Broadus MR , Chen TW , Neitzel LR , Ng VH , Jodoin JN , Lee LA , Salic A , Robbins DJ , Capobianco AJ , Patton JG , Huppert* SS , Lee* E , Identification of a Paralog-Specific Notch1 Intracellular Domain Degron. Cell Reports. 2016 May 31; 15 (9). 1920-9
Astudillo L , Da Silva TG , Wang Z , Han X , Jin K , VanWye J , Zhu X , Weaver K , Oashi T , Lopes PE , Orton D , Neitzel LR , Lee E , Landgraf R , Robbins DJ , MacKerell AD , Capobianco AJ , The Small Molecule IMR-1 Inhibits the Notch Transcriptional Activation Complex to Suppress Tumorigen… Cancer Research. 2016 Jun 15; 76 (12). 3593-603


Bastakoty D , Saraswati S , Cates J , Lee E , Nanney LB , Young PP , Inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin pathway promotes regenerative repair of cutaneous and cartilage injury. FASEB Journal . 2015 Dec ; 29 (12). 4881-92
Broadus MR , Yew PR , Hann SR , Lee E , Small-molecule high-throughput screening utilizing Xenopus egg extract. Methods in Molecular Biology . 2015 ; 1263 63-73
Winterbottom EF , Fei DL , Koestler DC , Giambelli C , Wika E , Capobianco AJ , Lee E , Marsit CJ , Karagas MR , Robbins DJ , GLI3 Links Environmental Arsenic Exposure and Human Fetal Growth. EBioMedicine. 2015 Jun ; 2 (6). 536-43


Hainline SG , Rickmyre JL , Neitzel LR , Lee LA , Lee E , The Drosophila MCPH1-B isoform is a substrate of the APCCdh1 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Biology Open. 2014 ; 3 (7). 669-76
Chen* TW , Broadus* MR , Huppert SS , Lee E , Reconstitution Of β-catenin degradation in Xenopus egg extract. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2014 ; (88).
Li B , Fei DL , Flaveny CA , Dahmane N , Baubet V , Wang Z , Bai F , Pei XH , Rodriguez-Blanco J , Hang B , Orton D , Han L , Wang B , Capobianco AJ , Lee E , Robbins DJ , Pyrvinium attenuates Hedgehog signaling downstream of smoothened. Cancer Research. 2014 Sep 1; 74 (17). 4811-21
Li B , Flaveny CA , Giambelli C , Fei DL , Han L , Hang BI , Bai F , Pei XH , Nose V , Burlingame O , Capobianco AJ , Orton D , Lee E , Robbins DJ , Repurposing the FDA-approved pinworm drug pyrvinium as a novel chemotherapeutic agent for intestinal… PloS One. 2014 ; 9 (7). e101969
Sitaram P , Merkle JA , Lee E , Lee LA , Asunder is required for dynein localization and dorsal fate determination during Drosophila oogenesi… Developmental Biology. 2014 Feb 1; 386 (1). 42-52
Wallace HA , Merkle JA , Yu MC , Berg TG , Lee E , Bosco G , Lee LA , TRIP/NOPO E3 ubiquitin ligase promotes ubiquitylation of DNA polymerase η. Development. 2014 Mar ; 141 (6). 1332-41
Murphy AJ , Pierce J , de Caestecker C , Ayers GD , Zhao A , Krebs JR , Saito-Diaz VK , Lee E , Perantoni AO , de Caestecker MP , Lovvorn HN , CITED1 confers stemness to Wilms tumor and enhances tumorigenic responses when enriched in the nucle… Oncotarget. 2014 Jan 30; 5 (2). 386-402


Tacchelly-Benites O , Wang Z , Yang E , Lee E , Ahmed Y , Toggling a conformational switch in Wnt/β-catenin signaling: regulation of Axin phosphorylation. Th… BioEssays. 2013 Dec ; 35 (12). 1063-70
Saito-Diaz K , Chen TW , Wang X , Thorne CA , Wallace HA , Page-McCaw A , Lee E , The way Wnt works: components and mechanism. Growth Factors . 2013 Feb ; 31 (1). 1-31
Barham W , Frump AL , Sherrill TP , Garcia CB , Saito-Diaz K , VanSaun MN , Fingleton B , Gleaves L , Orton D , Capecchi MR , Blackwell TS , Lee E , Yull F , Eid JE , Targeting the Wnt pathway in synovial sarcoma models. Cancer Discovery. 2013 Nov ; 3 (11). 1286-301
Ferguson JL , Chao WC , Lee E , Friedman KL , The anaphase promoting complex contributes to the degradation of the S. cerevisiae telomerase recrui… PloS One. 2013 ; 8 (1). e55055
Hao J , Ao A , Zhou L , Murphy CK , Frist AY , Keel JJ , Thorne CA , Kim K , Lee E , Hong CC , Selective small molecule targeting β-catenin function discovered by in vivo chemical genetic screen… Cell Reports. 2013 Sep 12; 4 (5). 898-904
Jodoin JN , Shboul M , Albrecht TR , Lee E , Wagner EJ , Reversade B , Lee LA , The snRNA-processing complex, Integrator, is required for ciliogenesis and dynein recruitment to the… Biology Open. 2013 ; 2 (12). 1390-6
Jodoin JN , Sitaram P , Albrecht TR , May SB , Shboul M , Lee E , Reversade B , Wagner EJ , Lee LA , Nuclear-localized Asunder regulates cytoplasmic dynein localization via its role in the integrator c… Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2013 Sep ; 24 (18). 2954-65


Hang BI , Thorne CA , Robbins DJ , Huppert SS , Lee LA , Lee E , Screening for small molecule inhibitors of embryonic pathways: sometimes you gotta crack a few eggs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2012 Mar 15; 20 (6). 1869-77
Sitaram P , Anderson MA , Jodoin JN , Lee E , Lee LA , Regulation of dynein localization and centrosome positioning by Lis-1 and asunder during Drosophila … Development . 2012 Aug ; 139 (16). 2945-54
Hanson AJ , Wallace HA , Freeman TJ , Beauchamp RD , Lee LA , Lee E , XIAP monoubiquitylates Groucho/TLE to promote canonical Wnt signaling. Molecular Cell. 2012 Mar 9; 45 (5). 619-28
Jodoin JN , Shboul M , Sitaram P , Zein-Sabatto H , Reversade B , Lee E , Lee LA , Human Asunder promotes dynein recruitment and centrosomal tethering to the nucleus at mitotic entry. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2012 Dec ; 23 (24). 4713-24


Thorne CA , Lafleur B , Lewis M , Hanson AJ , Jernigan KK , Weaver DC , Huppert KA , Chen TW , Wichaidit C , Cselenyi CS , Tahinci E , Meyers KC , Waskow E , Orton D , Salic A , Lee LA , Robbins DJ , Huppert SS , Lee E , A biochemical screen for identification of small-molecule regulators of the Wnt pathway using Xenopu… Journal of Biomolecular Screening. 2011 Oct ; 16 (9). 995-1006
Ni TT , Rellinger EJ , Mukherjee A , Xie S , Stephens L , Thorne CA , Kim K , Hu J , Lee E , Marnett L , Hatzopoulos AK , Zhong TP , Discovering small molecules that promote cardiomyocyte generation by modulating Wnt signaling. Chemistry & Biology. 2011 Dec 23; 18 (12). 1658-68


Thorne CA , Hanson AJ , Schneider J , Tahinci E , Orton D , Cselenyi CS , Jernigan KK , Meyers KC , Hang BI , Waterson AG , Kim K , Melancon B , Ghidu VP , Sulikowski GA , LaFleur B , Salic A , Lee LA , Miller DM , Lee E , Small-molecule inhibition of Wnt signaling through activation of casein kinase 1α. Nature Chemical Biology. 2010 Nov ; 6 (11). 829-36
Jernigan* KK , Cselenyi* CS , Thorne CA , Hanson AJ , Tahinci E , Hajicek N , Oldham WM , Lee LA , Hamm HE , Hepler JR , Kozasa T , Linder ME , Lee E , Gbetagamma activates GSK3 to promote LRP6-mediated beta-catenin transcriptional activity. Science Signaling. 2010 May 11; 3 (121). ra37
Alfaro MP , Vincent A , Saraswati S , Thorne CA , Hong CC , Lee E , Young PP , sFRP2 suppression of bone morphogenic protein (BMP) and Wnt signaling mediates mesenchymal stem cell… The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2010 Nov 12; 285 (46). 35645-53
Speirs CK , Jernigan KK , Kim SH , Cha YI , Lin F , Sepich DS , DuBois RN , Lee E , Solnica-Krezel L , Prostaglandin Gbetagamma signaling stimulates gastrulation movements by limiting cell adhesion throu… Development. 2010 Apr ; 137 (8). 1327-37
Saraswati S , Alfaro MP , Thorne CA , Atkinson J , Lee E , Young PP , Pyrvinium, a potent small molecule Wnt inhibitor, promotes wound repair and post-MI cardiac remodeli… PloS One. 2010 ; 5 (11). e15521


Merkle JA , Rickmyre JL , Garg A , Loggins EB , Jodoin JN , Lee E , Wu LP , Lee LA , No poles encodes a predicted E3 ubiquitin ligase required for early embryonic development of Drosoph… Development. 2009 Feb ; 136 (3). 449-59
Barton CE , Tahinci E , Barbieri CE , Johnson KN , Hanson AJ , Jernigan KK , Chen TW , Lee E , Pietenpol JA , DeltaNp63 antagonizes p53 to regulate mesoderm induction in Xenopus laevis. Developmental Biology. 2009 May 1; 329 (1). 130-9
Anderson MA , Jodoin JN , Lee E , Hales KG , Hays TS , Lee LA , Asunder is a critical regulator of dynein-dynactin localization during Drosophila spermatogenesis. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2009 Jun ; 20 (11). 2709-21


Moore AC , Amann JM , Williams CS , Tahinci E , Farmer TE , Martinez JA , Yang G , Luce KS , Lee E , Hiebert SW , Myeloid translocation gene family members associate with T-cell factors (TCFs) and influence TCF-dep… Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2008 Feb ; 28 (3). 977-87
Cselenyi* CS , Jernigan* KK , Tahinci E , Thorne CA , Lee LA , Lee E , LRP6 transduces a canonical Wnt signal independently of Axin degradation by inhibiting GSK3’s phosph… Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 2008 Jun 10; 105 (23). 8032-7
Alfaro MP , Pagni M , Vincent A , Atkinson J , Hill MF , Cates J , Davidson JM , Rottman J , Lee E , Young PP , The Wnt modulator sFRP2 enhances mesenchymal stem cell engraftment, granulation tissue formation and… Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 2008 Nov 25; 105 (47). 18366-71


Tahinci E , Thorne CA , Franklin JL , Salic A , Christian KM , Lee LA , Coffey RJ , Lee E , Lrp6 is required for convergent extension during Xenopus gastrulation. Development . 2007 Nov ; 134 (22). 4095-106
Rickmyre JL , Dasgupta S , Ooi DL , Keel J , Lee E , Kirschner MW , Waddell S , Lee LA , The Drosophila homolog of MCPH1, a human microcephaly gene, is required for genomic stability in the… Journal of Cell Science. 2007 Oct 15; 120 (Pt 20). 3565-77


Lee* LA , Lee* E , Anderson MA , Vardy L , Tahinci E , Ali SM , Kashevsky H , Benasutti M , Kirschner MW , Orr-Weaver TL , Drosophila genome-scale screen for PAN GU kinase substrates identifies Mat89Bb as a cell cycle regul… Developmental Cell. 2005 Mar ; 8 (3). 435-42


Tahinci E , Lee E , The interface between cell and developmental biology. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 2004 Aug ; 14 (4). 361-6
Ivanovska I , Lee E , Kwan KM , Fenger DD , Orr-Weaver TL , The Drosophila MOS ortholog is not essential for meiosis. Current Biology . 2004 Jan 6; 14 (1). 75-80


Lee* E , Salic* A , Krüger* R , Heinrich R , Kirschner MW , The roles of APC and Axin derived from experimental and theoretical analysis of the Wnt pathway. PLoS Biology. 2003 Oct ; 1 (1). E10


Pfleger CM , Salic A , Lee E , Kirschner MW , Inhibition of Cdh1-APC by the MAD2-related protein MAD2L2: a novel mechanism for regulating Cdh1. Genes & Development. 2001 Jul 15; 15 (14). 1759-64
Lee E , Salic A , Kirschner MW , Physiological regulation of [beta]-catenin stability by Tcf3 and CK1epsilon. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2001 Sep 3; 154 (5). 983-93
Pfleger CM , Lee E , Kirschner MW , Substrate recognition by the Cdc20 and Cdh1 components of the anaphase-promoting complex. Genes & Development. 2001 Sep 15; 15 (18). 2396-407


Salic* A , Lee* E , Mayer L , Kirschner MW , Control of beta-catenin stability: reconstitution of the cytoplasmic steps of the wnt pathway in Xen… Molecular Cell. 2000 Mar ; 5 (3). 523-32


Berghuis AM , Lee E , Raw AS , Gilman AG , Sprang SR , Structure of the GDP-Pi complex of Gly203–>Ala gialpha1: a mimic of the ternary product complex of … Structure. 1996 Nov 15; 4 (11). 1277-90


Wall MA , Coleman DE , Lee E , Iñiguez-Lluhi JA , Posner BA , Gilman AG , Sprang SR , The structure of the G protein heterotrimer Gi alpha 1 beta 1 gamma 2. Cell. 1995 Dec 15; 83 (6). 1047-58
Mixon MB , Lee E , Coleman DE , Berghuis AM , Gilman AG , Sprang SR , Tertiary and quaternary structural changes in Gi alpha 1 induced by GTP hydrolysis. Science. 1995 Nov 10; 270 (5238). 954-60


Lee E , Linder ME , Gilman AG , Expression of G-protein alpha subunits in Escherichia coli. Methods in Enzymology. 1994 ; 237 146-64
Ueda N , Iñiguez-Lluhi JA , Lee E , Smrcka AV , Robishaw JD , Gilman AG , G protein beta gamma subunits. Simplified purification and properties of novel isoforms. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1994 Feb 11; 269 (6). 4388-95
Coleman DE , Lee E , Mixon MB , Linder ME , Berghuis AM , Gilman AG , Sprang SR , Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of Gi alpha 1 and mutants of Gi alpha 1 in … Journal of Molecular Biology. 1994 May 13; 238 (4). 630-4
Coleman* DE , Berghuis* AM , Lee* E , Linder ME , Gilman AG , Sprang SR , Structures of active conformations of Gi alpha 1 and the mechanism of GTP hydrolysis. Science . 1994 Sep 2; 265 (5177). 1405-12
Kleuss C , Raw AS , Lee E , Sprang SR , Gilman AG , Mechanism of GTP hydrolysis by G-protein alpha subunits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 1994 Oct 11; 91 (21). 9828-31


Doyle KE , Kovalick GE , Lee E , Beckingham K , Drosophila melanogaster contains a single calmodulin gene. Further structure and expression studies. Journal of Molecular Biology. 1990 Jun 20; 213 (4). 599-605


Hofmann SL , Brown MS , Lee E , Pathak RK , Anderson RG , Goldstein JL , Purification of a sarcoplasmic reticulum protein that binds Ca2+ and plasma lipoproteins. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1989 May 15; 264 (14). 8260-70