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Luda and Katie’s paper selected as JBC’s Paper of the Week!
Apr. 14, 2016—Luda and Katie’s paper, Structural Basis for Sialoglycan Binding by the Streptococcus sanguinis SrpA Adhesin, is selected as JBC’s Paper of the Week for April 1, 2016. Congratulations, Luda and Katie! Check out Luda and Katie’s author profiles over at JBC!
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Qiuyan defends her thesis
Oct. 1, 2015—Qiuyan successfully defended her thesis, “Structural Basis of Arrestin Mediated GPCR Signaling,” on October 1, 2015. Congratulations, Qiuyan!
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Qiuyan named Karpay Award winner
Jan. 1, 2016—Qiuyan Chen has been named the recipient of the Karpay Award for 2016! Per the CSB site, The Karpay Award in Structural Biology was established in 2010 to honor the memory of Dr. Anne Karpay. Each year the award recognizes one senior graduate student who is a well-rounded colleague and scientist, who is collaborative and...
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Bridging the antibiotic gap
Jan. 14, 2015—
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Katie’s paper covered in VICB Discoveries
Oct. 14, 2015—
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Katie publishes her work in PNAS
Sep. 14, 2015—Katie’s paper on orthosomycin-associated oxygenases is now available online at PNAS. Read about her work here. Congratulations, Katie!
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Iverson lab welcomes Nicki Perry as a graduate student
May. 14, 2015—Nicole (Nicki) Perry (IGP) joins both the Iverson and the Gurevich lab as a graduate student. Nicki earned her BS in Biology and BA in Chemistry at Wittenberg University. Welcome Nicki!
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