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Bovine Serum Albumin Elicits IL-33-Dependent Adipose Tissue Eosinophilia: Potential Relevance to Ovalbumin-induced Models of Allergic Disease


Caslin LHeather , Bolus ReidW , Thomas Christopher , Toki Shinji , Norlander EAllison , Peebles StokesR , Hasty HAlyssa . Immunohorizons. 2023 12 ; ().


All cells of the immune system reside in adipose tissue (AT), and increasing type 2 immune cells may be a therapeutic strategy to improve metabolic health. In our previous study using i.p. IL-5 injections to increase eosinophils, we observed that a standard vehicle control of 0.1% BSA also elicited profound AT eosinophilia. In this study, we aimed to determine whether BSA-induced AT eosinophilia results in metabolic benefits in murine models of diet-induced obesity. I.p. 0.1% BSA injections increased AT eosinophils after 4 wk. Despite elevating eosinophils to >50% of immune cells in the AT, body weight and glucose tolerance were not different between groups. Interestingly, BSA elicited epithelial IL-33 production, as well as gene expression for type 2 cytokines and IgE production that were dependent on IL-33. Moreover, multiple models of OVA sensitization also drove AT eosinophilia. Following transplantation of a donor fat pad with BSA-induced eosinophilia, OVA-sensitized recipient mice had higher numbers of bronchoalveolar lavage eosinophils that were recipient derived. Interestingly, lungs of recipient mice contained eosinophils, macrophages, and CD8 T cells from the donor AT. These trafficked similarly from BSA- and non-BSA-treated AT, suggesting even otherwise healthy AT serves as a reservoir of immune cells capable of migrating to the lungs. In conclusion, our studies suggest that i.p. injections of BSA and OVA induce an allergic response in the AT that elicits eosinophil recruitment, which may be an important consideration for those using OVA in animal models of allergic disease.