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Jack Vincent Slagis

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Undergraduate intern, Pharmacology

Junior, the class of 2015.
Molecular and cellular biology major at Vanderbilt
Jack is from Tucson, Arizona, and chose Vanderbilt in part for its strong research programs.  Jack is a member of the sailing team, and service fraternity, and is a casual runner. Jack enjoys reading fiction, and nonfiction accounts of exploration.

Research Description


Jack is interested in understanding the ways in which protein structure determines function.  Instructed by Dr. Xuanzhi Zhan, Jack is assisting in determining the location of arrestin-3 binding sites for JNK proteins by comparing the binding affinities of small protein fragments.  Jack uses techniques including pull down and western blot to determine these affinities.


Zhan, X., Stoy, H., Kaoud, T.S., Perry, N.A., Chen, Q., Perez, A., Els-Heindl, S., Slagis, J.V., Iverson, T.M., Beck-Sickinger, A.G., Gurevich, E.V., Dalby, K.N., Gurevich, V.V. Peptide mini-scaffold facilitates JNK3 activation in cells. Sci Rep 6, 21025; doi: 10.1038/srep21025 (2016).