Sierra Cullati’s newest publication on CKI regulation by its C-terminal tail is out now in Science Advances!
May. 13, 2024—Link here!
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Check out our newest publication on complex sphingolipids and the cell wall in fission yeast
Oct. 5, 2023—Link to paper here
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Alaina’s image was selected for the cover of the October issue of MBoC!
Sep. 28, 2023—See the October issue here
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The lab’s first two microPublications are now online! We published one short story on new splicing alleles and another on Cdc15 kinases!
Sep. 13, 2023—Links to publications are here and here
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Alaina’s newest paper describing a regulator of endocytic myosin-1 membrane binding is now online!
Aug. 3, 2023—Read the paper here
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