Our latest publication on the phosphoregulation of the E3 ubiquiton ligase Dma1 is now available!
Oct. 25, 2021—Link to publication is here!
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Alaina Willet and colleagues’ publication on the phosphoregulation of the F-BAR protein Imp2 is now available!
Jul. 23, 2021—You can read the paper in Journal of Cell Science here!
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MariaSanta’s paper about paxillin phosphoregulation is now online!
Jun. 17, 2021—You can read the paper here!
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Chloe Snider’s review of F-BAR domains, in collaboration with the Seutsugu lab, is now published!
May. 3, 2021—The review is available online here!
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The Gould lab welcomes Lesley Turner as our newest Research Assistant!
Apr. 8, 2021—Lesley comes to us from Auburn University with a background in Alzheimer’s research.
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