Natalya’s opinion pieces were just published in ASCB and Scientific American … Congratulations Natalya!
Nov. 7, 2019—
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Alejandra Romero’s manuscript was accepted for publication in HardwareX for their Special Issue in Neuroscience. Great job to both Ale and Brian for sharing first-authorship!
Oct. 9, 2019—This was a collaboration with the Lippmann and Bellan Labs to design an improved bioreactor for brain organoids.
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Piyush first-author paper accepted in NeuroToxicology! Congratulations!
Sep. 13, 2019—
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Our preprint about the effects of MCL-1 inhibitors on mitochondrial dynamics in human cardiomyocytes is online. This is a joint effort between Megan and Nilay (Burnette Lab). Great job!
Sep. 7, 2019—
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Megan Rasmussen was selected to participate in Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences course at MBL in Woods Hole!
Aug. 21, 2019—
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