Congratulations Marina Hanna for receiving the 2023 Dean’s Award for Exceptional Achievement in Graduate Studies!
Aug. 2, 2023—
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Congratulations Caroline Bodnya for receiving an Honorable Mention in the 2023 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) competition!
Mar. 29, 2023—
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Our EMPF1 paper is out in Journal of Cell Science! The manuscript was selected for inclusion in the ‘Research Highlights’ section. Gabriella Robertson was selected to be featured in the “First Person” section. Congratulations to Gabriella and all co-authors!
Feb. 1, 2023—We would like to thank the patients and families for permission to publish this work.
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Melanie Gil’s new review is out in the Journal of Neuroscience Research (and her image was selected for the cover). Congratulations Melanie!
Dec. 9, 2022—https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jnr.25151
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Caleb’s paper from the Springer Lab is published in Autophagy. Congratulations Caleb!
Dec. 5, 2022—https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36469690/
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Marina passed her QE exam! Congratulations Marina!
Sep. 23, 2022—
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Tierney received an F31 Predoctoral Fellowship from NINDS! Congratulations Tierney!
Aug. 15, 2022—
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Congratulations to Melanie Gil for receiving the 2022 HHMI Gilliam Fellowship!
Jul. 28, 2022—
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Congratulations to Tierney for receiving the 2022 Dean’s Award for Exceptional Achievement in Graduate Studies!
Jul. 22, 2022—
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Leigh Syndrome paper online in Development. Congratulations Ale for leading this work!
Jul. 8, 2022—This has been a long process and a good example of the power of perseverance and teamwork. Thanks to Alejandra Romero-Morales for leading this story from the beginning and establishing the systems that made it possible. Thanks to all the co-authors for their significant contributions.
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