George M. Hornberger, M.S.E., Ph.D.
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University Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth and Environmental Sciences
Craig E. Philip Professor, Department of Engineering
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
George M. Hornberger is Distinguished University Professor at Vanderbilt University. He has a shared appointment as the Craig E. Philip Professor of Engineering and as Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences. He previously was a professor at the University of Virginia where he held the Ernest H. Ern Chair of Environmental Sciences. He also has been a visiting scholar at the Australian National University, Lancaster University, Stanford University, the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the University of Colorado, and the University of California at Berkeley. His current work focuses on coupled natural-human systems and aims to understand how climate, groundwater, surface water, energy production, food production, and human abstraction of water interact in complex ways. Recent research projects include work in Sri Lanka on adaptation to drought, in Bangladesh on the controls on freshwater availability, and in the United States on how cities evolve water conservation practices. Hornberger is a fellow of the American Geophysical Union, the Geological Society of America, and the Association for Women in Science. He was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 1996. He has been engaged in many activities outside the university including currently as co-chair of the Committee on Advancing a Systems Approach to Studying the Earth for the National Academies and as chair of the Committee on Unconventional Oil and Gas Development for HEI Energy.