Ethan, Sara and Dusty travel to New Hampshire!
Aug. 18, 2019—Ethan, Sara and Dusty traveled to the Gordon conference on Toxicology which was held at the Proctor Academy in New Hampshire. Gordon Conferences area week long event which include a variety of presented research, great food and fun activities, all organized by the conference. Here is just a hint of the fun that they had...
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Kody travels to Dallas!
May. 31, 2019—Congratulations to Kody who won a travel grant to go to the 235th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society in Dallas, TX! He gave a talk on Photosystem I entitled, “Side-Selective Modification of Photosystem I Protein and Preparation of Oriented Photo-Electrochemical Films”. To see more on this work visit our research page or Kody’s member...
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Kody presents in AZ!
Apr. 27, 2019—Kody went to Phoeniz, Arizona to the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting to present his poster entitled,”Photosystem I – Porous Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes for the Photoconversion of Redox Mediators”. For more information on this project, you can see our research page, or contact us.
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Ethan and Sara travel to Augusta!
Nov. 5, 2018—Sara and Ethan traveled to Augusta, GA to present their research at the Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS). Sara discussed her improvements on glucose, lactate and glutamate sensors for Liver-on-a-Chip systems, along with potentiometric sensors for potassium and calcium ions. Ethan presented on developing sensors for organophosphates, a type of nerve...
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Dilek and Chris travel to Cancun!
Oct. 5, 2018—Chris and Dilek got to travel to Cancun in order to present their PSI research at AiMES 2018. This was a joint conference that included the 234th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), the XXXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica (SMEQ), and the 11th Meeting of the Mexico Section of the Electrochemical Society, with the...
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Pittcon 2015
Mar. 12, 2015—Dr. Cliffel, Dr. Jennifer McKenzie, Dr. Danielle Kimmel, Dave Crisostomo, Evan Gizzie, Anna Davis, Andy Cognata, Adam Travis, and Aaron Daniel presented their work at The 2015 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon). The lab enjoyed a few days in New Orleans, LA and despite some ill-timed rain had an amazing trip....
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