We have a new PSI Review Article!
Nov. 4, 2019—Our Photosystem I subgroup (Kody, Dilek, Chris and Jennings Lab collaborator Josh Passantino) were asked to review to the current state of PSI-based photovoltaics and the challenges the field faces for improvement of solar energy conversion. They did a wonderful job and we are very proud! The title, abstract and link are listed below. If...
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Congratulations to Dilek!
Nov. 29, 2018—Today Dilek’s paper “Polyviologen as Electron Transport Material in Photosystem I-Based Biophotovoltaic Cells” was published in Langmuir. Below is the abstract and the DOI! Polyviologen as Electron Transport Material in Photosystem I-Based Biophotovoltaic Cells Dilek Dervishogullari,† Evan A. Gizzie,†,§ G. Kane Jennings,‡ and David E. Cliffel*,† †Department of Chemistry, and ‡Department of Chemical and...
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Congratulations Dusty and Ethan!
Aug. 9, 2018—Dusty and Ethan were published today in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Their paper is entitled, “Electrochemical Microphysiometry Detects Cellular Glutamate Uptake” and is apart of a special issue of the journal focusing on the brain and electrochemistry. Below is the abstract and the DOI. Since it is published in JES, it is open...
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