Ethan and Sara travel to Augusta!
Nov. 5, 2018—Sara and Ethan traveled to Augusta, GA to present their research at the Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS). Sara discussed her improvements on glucose, lactate and glutamate sensors for Liver-on-a-Chip systems, along with potentiometric sensors for potassium and calcium ions. Ethan presented on developing sensors for organophosphates, a type of nerve...
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Dilek and Chris travel to Cancun!
Oct. 5, 2018—Chris and Dilek got to travel to Cancun in order to present their PSI research atĀ AiMES 2018. This was a joint conference that included theĀ 234th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), the XXXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica (SMEQ), and the 11th Meeting of the Mexico Section of the Electrochemical Society, with the...
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Congratulations Dusty and Ethan!
Aug. 9, 2018—Dusty and Ethan were published today in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Their paper is entitled, “Electrochemical Microphysiometry Detects Cellular Glutamate Uptake” and is apart of a special issue of the journal focusing on the brain and electrochemistry. Below is the abstract and the DOI. Since it is published in JES, it is open...
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New Lab Member!
Mar. 20, 2018— We are excited to announce that Kody Wolfe is now a member of the Cliffel Lab. He joins us from the Materials Science Program here at Vanderbilt. We are so happy you chose us Kody!
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Happy Holidays!
Dec. 7, 2017— We celebrated another wonderful semester together at Maggiano’s!
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Congratulations Anna Davis!
Nov. 27, 2017—Anna Passed her qualifying examination.
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Congratulations to all of our second years!
Oct. 14, 2017—Margaret Calhoun, Dilek Dervishogullari, Ethan McClain, Sara Melow and Chris Stachurski all passed their preliminary exams with flying colors!
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Leiper’s Fork Heroes 6K
Sep. 9, 2017—Former lab member Danielle Kimmel, Current lab member Anna Davis and honorary lab member Harper Kimmel finished this year’s Leiper’s Fork Heroes 6K.
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Congratulations to Adam Ryan Travis!
Jul. 13, 2017—Congratulations to Adam Ryan Travis for passing his defense!
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Welcome New Lab Members!
Jan. 5, 2017— The Cliffel lab has added 5 new lab members: Sara Melow, Ethan McClain, Margaret Calhoun, Dilek Dervishogullari, and Chris Starchurski! We’re so excited to have them!
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