Kody Wolfe has his SEM image selected as a finalist in two different competitions.
Dec. 1, 2019—*Click article with caution: Warning for Trypophobia* Kody Wolfe had his SEM image selected as a finalist in two different competitions, the Materials Research Society Science as Art Competition at their Spring 2019 Meeting, and the 2019 VINSE Nanoday Image Competition. Congratulations Kody on your wonderful balance of art and science! “MicroCombs” “These microscale “honeycombs”...
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We have a new PSI Review Article!
Nov. 4, 2019—Our Photosystem I subgroup (Kody, Dilek, Chris and Jennings Lab collaborator Josh Passantino) were asked to review to the current state of PSI-based photovoltaics and the challenges the field faces for improvement of solar energy conversion. They did a wonderful job and we are very proud! The title, abstract and link are listed below. If...
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Ethan, Sara and Dusty travel to New Hampshire!
Aug. 18, 2019—Ethan, Sara and Dusty traveled to the Gordon conference on Toxicology which was held at the Proctor Academy in New Hampshire. Gordon Conferences area week long event which include a variety of presented research, great food and fun activities, all organized by the conference. Here is just a hint of the fun that they had...
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New Lab Member!
Aug. 5, 2019— We are excited to welcome John Williams II to the Cliffel Lab! He has decided to study and develop bio-hybrid solar cells for the Army. We are excited to have you John!
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Congratulations to Margaret!
Jul. 15, 2019— Congratulations to Margaret, who this week passed her qualifying exam! She was extra excited since her dad was here to share the moment. Fun Fact: He is also a Ph.D. chemist and shared the same advisor as Dr. Cliffel.
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Kody travels to Dallas!
May. 31, 2019—Congratulations to Kody who won a travel grant to go to the 235th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society in Dallas, TX! He gave a talk on Photosystem I entitled, “Side-Selective Modification of Photosystem I Protein and Preparation of Oriented Photo-Electrochemical Films”. To see more on this work visit our research page or Kody’s member...
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Kody presents in AZ!
Apr. 27, 2019—Kody went to Phoeniz, Arizona to the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting to present his poster entitled,”Photosystem I – Porous Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes for the Photoconversion of Redox Mediators”. For more information on this project, you can see our research page, or contact us.
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Congratulations to Chris!
Jan. 31, 2019— Congratulations to Chris, who passed his qualifying examination this week!
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Congratulations to Dilek!
Dec. 6, 2018— Congratulations to Dilek, who passed her qualifying examination this week!
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Congratulations to Dilek!
Nov. 29, 2018—Today Dilek’s paper “Polyviologen as Electron Transport Material in Photosystem I-Based Biophotovoltaic Cells” was published in Langmuir. Below is the abstract and the DOI! Polyviologen as Electron Transport Material in Photosystem I-Based Biophotovoltaic Cells Dilek Dervishogullari,† Evan A. Gizzie,†,§ G. Kane Jennings,‡ and David E. Cliffel*,† †Department of Chemistry, and ‡Department of Chemical and...
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